"Taking what we cast out as unwanted shell and exploring the potential poetry to trace what once existed within"
Fossil, by London based Artist Rebecca feiner is a continuation of her investigations into spaces, people and objects that we cast out as no longer of value.

Feiner asks the viewer to look again and rediscover a childhood intensity of imagination and wonder in the everyday, an instinct as adults society encourages us to forget.

In Fossil, the Artist transforms a humble shop window on H.C Orstedsvej, Fredricksberg, Copenhagen, to create a sculpture composed of the polystyrene packaging we abandon in our rush to enjoy the consumer products that their protective shells contain.

Feiner asks us to contemplate this outer layer and discover the potential poetry in the object for itself, tracing through the architecture of shapes, the shadows of what once existed within.

Fossil, challenges the spectator to rekindle our collective memory of the lost child’s gift. Playfully divorcing the object from it’s rational use, and create new narratives transforming the object and rejecting societies’ artibtrary hierachy of value. Feiner challenges us to look again and to value what we discard in the environment.

link to s.a.i.r.

To encourage active participation in this process, on the opening night, artist Rebecca Feiner will be signing individual pieces of the sculpture and offering it up to the public for sale based on what they can afford.

The public will be encouraged to find new and imaginative uses for the piece of work whether as pure sculpture or some other utility and reclaiming the cast out, as something to be valued again.

Aware of environmental impacts the Artist has travelled by boat form England to stage the exhibition.

Rebecca Feiner will be giving a lecture and screening a her short films giving a workshop at Kunsthojskolen i Holbaek on September 27 at 7.30pm.

link to kunsthojskolen i holbaek